Happy Birthday Beth

March 30, 2020
Day 8

Elizabeth Rachael Gedbaw Brunelle

I met Beth when she was 5 years old.
Little did I know she would become my oldest daughter.
I married her father.
For 38 years Beth & I have had a different kind of mother/daughter relationship.

The oldest of 5 children, Beth was always in charge ... the mother hen.
Beth is extremely independent, dependable, loyal and stubborn.
Don’t try to change her mind because this girl has a mind of her own.

38 years have passed all too quickly.
I’ve watched this little girl grow into a beautiful wife and loving mother.
She will never know how many tears I shed as she struggled to become this very special woman.
Unless she reads this 💕

Every tear was worth it.
I’m no longer the “other mother”.
I no longer have to figure out my place in Beth’s life.
We are friends. Good friends.
We have a trust that is strong.

I have been blessed with a child that loves me.
She didn’t have to.

Happy Birthday Beth!


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