From A Distance

March 23, 2020
Day 1

Angler House Marina Islamorada, Florida Keys.

The voyage of Isle of View Too can be found at

We said Bon Voyage to Alexandria Bay, NY on October 2, 2018 and arrived in Islamorada on November 19, 2018.
We call this beautiful island paradise “home”.

For over a year now, we have become part of this community.
A community that truly cares for one another.
A community of hospitality.
We’re a community of resorts, hotels, restaurants, fishing guides, servers, housekeeping staff, hospitals, teachers, gift shops, salons, grocery stores etc.
A community that survived Hurricane Irma.
A community that will survive this crisis.
Islamorada is a community of good people that rally in times of need.

This is a scary time.
I’m scared. I bet you are too.

They say “We’ll get through this together”.
Well, we’re not together.
Not the way it was.
Not the way we want to be.
We’re in quarantine, social distancing, washing our hands and trying to stay healthy.

I miss my family.
I miss my friends.

So this blog is my little contribution.
Maybe we’ll laugh. Maybe we’ll cry.
From whatever distance separates us ...
This is my commitment to share Our View from the Isle of View Too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry it took time for me to figure this out but I love that you write so beautifully and are bringing us together by expressing thoughts we all are experiencing. Can not wait to read more … and more. Still believe you are in the best place in the U.S. … sun, warmth and an area (the Keys) being protected by the powers-that-be. Write on ….


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