
Happy Birthday Laura

Wednesday April 1, 2020 Day 10 Laura Francis Gedbaw Allen I met Laura when she was 4 years old. Again, another unexpected daughter. 💕 I was 22, dating a man that had 3 little girls! Laura is carefree, loyal, stubborn and a bit of a procrastinator. Things are done in “Laura time”. Oh to be like Laura. She, like her sister Beth, is a wonderful wife and mother. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. She has the the same passion and determination as her father. Laura struggles with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She never complains. She is a fighter. She lives the life of a conqueror. Happy Birthday Laura! My beautiful life began with a “ready made family “. 3 loving girls who love unconditionally. 💕 I am grateful every day. 🙏

Happy Birthday Beth

Monday March 30, 2020 Day 8 Elizabeth Rachael Gedbaw Brunelle I met Beth when she was 5 years old. Little did I know she would become my oldest daughter. I married her father. For 38 years Beth & I have had a different kind of mother/daughter relationship. The oldest of 5 children, Beth was always in charge ... the mother hen. Beth is extremely independent, dependable, loyal and stubborn. Don’t try to change her mind because this girl has a mind of her own. 38 years have passed all too quickly. I’ve watched this little girl grow into a beautiful wife and loving mother. She will never know how many tears I shed as she struggled to become this very special woman. Unless she reads this 💕 Every tear was worth it. I’m no longer the “other mother”. I no longer have to figure out my place in Beth’s life. We are friends. Good friends. We have a trust that is strong. I have been blessed with a child that loves me. She didn’t have to. Happy Birthday Beth!

US 1 MM 112.5

Friday March 27, 2020 Day 5 Overseas Highway US 1 Surrounded by aqua blue water is 18 miles of road that we affectionately call “The Stretch”. 18 miles that connects mainland Florida to Key Largo. The longest 18 miles to paradise. 😎🌴😎 This morning at 6:00 am, law enforcement will be stopping all traffic. Only a select few will be allowed through while others will be turned back. About 20 vehicles per hour have been turned out. Will checkpoints keep the virus from spreading to The Keys? Time will tell. Driving in the keys is tricky. No joke. With less traffic ... “We can make an easy left turn now”. 😂 We have 16 known positive cases in Monroe County with 4 hospitalized. These numbers change by the hour. I’m staying informed with local and national news. It’s extremely difficult to see the world in crisis. On a happier note ... Our grandson, Jackson Gedbaw, is now riding a 2 wheeler 🚴‍♂️ Always 🙏

Go Fish!

Thursday March 26, 2020 Day 4 GO FISH! 🐟🐟🐟 Captain Matt Bellinger of Bamboo Charters took the boys bayside to hunt and gather. Bryan landed this Snook. Nice catch. But, a throw back. Bryan, Deacon, Pat and Capt. Bill Hardy brought in some Sea Trout for a delicious “hook & cook”. Jen, Kathy & I waited patiently poolside for our sailors to return from sea. A much needed distraction for all. Tomorrow we will be isolated from mainland Florida. Thoughts and prayers for our law enforcement that will be on the front line. 🙏

Change is Coming

Wednesday March 26, 2020 Day 3 We are blessed with the beauty of our surroundings. Bryan & I eloped 36 years ago and honeymooned in “The Keys”. After many trips to mainland Florida, we always returned to “The Keys” and fell in love with Islamorada. Change is coming. CDC, Monroe County, FDOH and BOCC have daily alerts and mandates. Hotels and short term rentals were told to shut down on Sunday, March 22. Night clubs and bars were told to shut down. Initially, restaurants could stay open with 50% of their capacity and tables 6 feet apart. Ultimately, shut down with exception to take out and delivery. Mandates are made to keep spring breakers, tourists and day trippers away. Where would they stay? Where would they eat? Nowhere. But, they’re not listening. Miami Mayor Suarez had enough after viewing the drone video of the huge boaters party at Haulover Sandbar in Miami. So ... marinas and boat launches were shut down ... in Miami But ... boat launches were

When Did This Start?

Tuesday March 25, 2020 Day 2 I like to think this is where my mom and dad are ... to me this is heaven. Where the ocean meets the sky. Where there’s no horizon. When did it start? The beginning of the unknown? For me it was Thursday, March 19. Our friends, Ted & Betty and Miles & Kathy, abruptly ended their winter stay in the Florida Keys to go home. Home to their safe place. They will self quarantine, wash their hands and practice social distancing. Will I see them again? 😞 Will they want to see me? 🤣 We haven’t seen Jen & Pat or Deacon & Kathy. They’re only about 10 miles away! Social distancing sucks. 😡 The rest of the world was made aware of this cruel Coronavirus sometime in January. Why did it take so long for me to get the news? Perhaps I was in denial? I live on an island! We’re so isolated! There’s no one sick here! This virus can’t possibly survive here! The UV rays will kill it! Sure Gigi. 😎 Until ... the first known case

From A Distance

Monday March 23, 2020 Day 1 Angler House Marina Islamorada, Florida Keys. The voyage of Isle of View Too can be found at We said Bon Voyage  to Alexandria Bay, NY on October 2, 2018 and arrived in Islamorada on November 19, 2018. We call this beautiful island paradise “home”. For over a year now, we have become part of this community. A community that truly cares for one another. A community of hospitality. We’re a community of resorts, hotels, restaurants, fishing guides, servers, housekeeping staff, hospitals, teachers, gift shops, salons, grocery stores etc. A community that survived Hurricane Irma. A community that will survive this crisis. Islamorada is a community of good people that rally in times of need. This is a scary time. I’m scared. I bet you are too. They  say “We’ll get through this together”. Well, we’re not together. Not the way it was. Not the way we want to be. We’re in quarantine, social distancing, washing